Structured graphene metamaterial selective absorbers for high efficiency and omnidirectional solar thermal energy conversion

Impressive solar-to-thermal conversion efficiency of 90.1% and solar-to -vapor efficiency of 96.2% have been achieved. These superior properties of the SGM absorber suggest it has a great ...

Heat transfer, energy conversion, and efficiency during cold discharge of a novel tetrabutylammonium bromide hydrate cold storage …

To investigate the heat transfer, energy conversion and efficiency of hydrate cold storage systems during the cold discharge process, ... (PCMs) for cold thermal energy storage applications Applied Energy, 99 (2012), pp. 513-533, 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.03.058 ...

Enhanced light-thermal conversion efficiency of mixed clay base phase change composites for thermal energy storage …

Meanwhile, the duration of the plateau during the natural cooling process also indicates that C-EG-MCS-HDA has a higher energy storage capacity. The light-thermal energy conversion and storage efficiency (η) can be calculated by the Eq. (2) (Zhou et al., 2019

High-efficiency solar thermoelectric conversion enabled by …

electricity with a solar–thermal–electric energy conversion efficiency up to ... P. Solar–thermal conversion and thermal energy storage of graphene foam-based composites. Nanoscale 8, 14600 ...

US startup begins producing 40%-efficient thermophotovoltaic cells

Antora Energy says its new 2 MW factory will make thermophotovoltaic cells for thermal storage applications. The cells are based on III-V semiconductors and reportedly have a heat-to-electricity ...

A modified method to quantify the photo-thermal conversion efficiency of shape …

Due to the intermittent nature of sunlight, energy storage, especially thermal energy storage, which can overcome the gap between the demand and supply of solar energy, is usually needed for efficient solar energy utilization [[6], [7], [8]].

Enhanced Thermal Conductivity for Thermal Energy Storage Materials with High Solar-Thermal Conversion Efficiency and …

Enhanced Thermal Conductivity for Thermal Energy Storage. Beijing Key Laboratory for Magnetoelectric Materials and Devices, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Beijing Innovation Centre for Engineering Science and Advanced Technology, Peking University, 100871 Beijing, China.

Thermodynamic analysis of electric to thermal heating pathways coupled with thermal energy storage …

Energy conversion methods Energy conversion devices Heating temperature Energy conversion efficiency Chemical →Thermal Coal-fired boiler Hot water boiler: 50–184 C Steam boiler: 100–400 C 0.80–0.92 [25]Gas-fired boiler 0.92–0.96 [25]Oil-fired boiler 0.90–0. ...

Energy Conversion Efficiencies | SpringerLink

The effectiveness of this conversion process is characterized by the motor efficiency η motor, which is the ratio of the mechanical energy output of the motor to the electrical energy input. The full-load motor efficiencies range from about 35% for small motors to over 97% for large high-efficiency motors.

Efficient thermal energy conversion and storage enabled by …

The ability to achieve efficient solar energy utilization via photo-thermal conversion underscores the need for efficient working fluids in solar thermal collectors. …

Analysis and Efficiency Assessment of Direct Conversion of Wind Energy Into Heat Using Electromagnetic Induction and Thermal Energy Storage …

This study deals with thermodynamic analyses of an integrated wind thermal energy storage (WTES) system. The thermodynamic analyses of the proposed system are performed through energy and exergy approaches, and the energy and exergy efficiencies of the components in the system and overall system are determined and …

A Year in Review: Advancing Energy Storage and Conversion Research | News | NREL

A Year in Review: Advancing Energy Storage and Conversion Research. Jan. 10, 2022 | Contact media relations. The energy system of the future must successfully utilize large amounts of variable and intermittent renewable energy sources to meet demand for power generation, decarbonization, grid resilience, and energy efficiency. …

Advances in thermal energy storage: Fundamentals and …

Thermal energy storage (TES) is increasingly important due to the demand-supply challenge caused by the intermittency of renewable energy and waste …

Global sensitivity analysis of borehole thermal energy storage efficiency …

Energy Conversion and Management Volume 166, 15 June 2018, Pages 106-119 Global sensitivity analysis of borehole thermal energy storage efficiency on the heat exchanger arrangement Author links open overlay panel Jerzy Wołoszyn ...

Enhancement of the Power-to-Heat Energy Conversion Process of a Thermal Energy Storage Cycle through the use of a Thermo…

The integration of the developed TEHP system into the charging process of a thermal energy storage system based on electrical resistances increases the energy …

Efficient solar-thermal conversion and thermal energy storage towards personal thermal …

The solar absorbance and solar-thermal conversion efficiency of the energy storage gel reach high levels of 96.4 % and 94.8 %, respectively. The printable textiles demonstrate an ultra-high latent heat of 71.12 …

High-efficiency solar thermoelectric conversion …

By connecting with a thermoelectric generator, the harvested solar–thermal energy can be further converted into electricity with a solar–thermal–electric energy conversion...

Thermal Energy Storage | Department of Energy

BTO''s Thermal Energy Storage R&D programs develops cost-effective technologies to support both energy efficiency and demand flexibility. In direct support of the E3 Initiative, GEB Initiative and Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC), the Building Technologies Office (BTO) is focused on thermal storage research, development, demonstration, and …

Thermophotovoltaic efficiency of 40% | Nature

Thermophotovoltaics (TPVs) convert predominantly infrared wavelength light to electricity via the photovoltaic effect, and can enable approaches to energy storage 1, 2 and conversion 3,...

Delignified wood for thermal energy storage with high efficient …

In this study, a phase change energy storage wood (PCES-Wood) with efficient photo-heat conversion efficiency was obtained by impregnating polyethylene …

Functionally constructed mineral microspheres for efficient photothermal conversion and thermal energy storage …

The prepared P-AEG-C exhibited superior mechanical properties and thermal energy storage properties, with a compressive strength of 14.8 MPa and light–thermal conversion efficiency of 92%. Therefore, the synthesized P-AEG-C has potential in light–thermal conversion applications and energy-saving buildings.

Cellulose nanofibrous/MXene aerogel encapsulated phase change composites with excellent thermal energy conversion and storage …

Finally, it is concluded that the solar-to-thermal conversion efficiency of MP-4 is 97.16%, showing excellent solar-to-thermal conversion ability. MPCMs as solar absorbers have broad application prospects in solar energy utilization.

Plasma Technology: An Emerging Technology for Energy Storage | ACS Energy …

Thus, taking a solar panel efficiency of 25%, an energy efficiency of 60–80% for plasma-based CO 2 conversion would yield a competitive solar-to-fuel efficiency of 15–20%. Here, we present some characteristic examples for the three different plasma types discussed previously to illustrate their capabilities and limitations.

Effects of multilayer porous ceramics on thermochemical energy conversion and storage efficiency …

It can be seen that the energy storage efficiency index η solar - fuel here follows the same trend as that of the thermal efficiency index η absorption. Compared with FP1, the η absorption under FP3 increases by 0.40%, and η solar - fuel improves by 0.22%.

Thermal energy storage

Thermal energy storage: Technology brief. Energy storage systems are designed to accumulate energy when production exceeds demand, and to make it available at the user''s request. They can help to match energy supply and demand, exploit variable renewable (solar and wind) energy sources, increase the overall efficiency of the …

Elevating the Photothermal Conversion Efficiency of Phase …

Reduced Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Sodium Aerogel-Supported Eutectic Phase Change Material Gel Demonstrating Superior Energy Conversion and Storage Capacity toward …

Study on improving the storage efficiency of ocean thermal energy storage …

Among them, Webb [11] et al. applied ocean thermal energy conversion technology to SLOCUM and transformed SLOCUM into an underwater thermal glider. NASA''s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has joined forces with several units to develop a new unmanned submersible powered by ocean thermal energy, which can replenish its …

Phase change materials encapsulated in a novel hybrid carbon skeleton for high-efficiency solar-thermal conversion and energy storage …

Our work not only shows an improved solar-thermal conversion efficiency of 91.8 %, thermal conductivity of 0.43 W·m −1 ·K −1, but also exhibits relatively high energy storage efficiency and stability with low enthalpy reduction of 0.19 %, compared to other

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