Microsoft sets new investment in $3B silicon battery startup

Microsoft ( NASDAQ: MSFT) on Wednesday used its climate innovation fund to pony up a new investment in a startup that is aiming to significantly boost the …

Microsoft is changing the way it buys renewable energy

Microsoft announced new plans for how it purchases renewable energy, which will require changes to the electricity grids to which it connects.

Google and Microsoft join long term energy storage group

Twelve companies including Microsoft and Google have joined the Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Council, a body set up at COP26 in November to …

Batteries for Microsoft''s data center sustainability

Microsoft sees Saft as a partner in such an approach using its battery energy storage solutions (BESS), from its Intensium Max 20 High Energy container to the complete …

Bill Gates'' Breakthrough Energy Backs Startup That Uses Liquid …

Relying on liquid tin, the thermal battery transfers heat to stacks of carbon blocks at extremely high temperatures, which can later be discharged as …

DOE lab, Microsoft find new battery material in AI-based energy …

The Department of Energy''s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has partnered with Microsoft in a bid to use artificial intelligence to "accelerate scientific …

How Microsoft found a potential new battery material using AI

Microsoft says the new material could cut down the amount of lithium used in a battery by as much as 70 percent. On top of that, it could be used to create a solid …

Microsoft made the biggest renewable energy agreement ever to …

Microsoft just agreed to support the development of 10.5 gigawatts of new renewable energy capacity around the world, a massive amount of electricity to fuel its AI …

Bill Gates Invests Energy Storage Startup

Fourth Power''s innovative approach to energy storage involves converting renewable power into heat and storing it for future use. The key component of …

Microsoft Bets On This EV Battery Startup As …

Group14 Technologies, a global manufacturer and supplier of advanced silicon battery technology, raised $214 million in additional financing from a consortium including Microsoft Corp''s...

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