Adaptive Reclosing Technique using Variational Mode …

ABSTRACT This study introduces a novel adaptive technique to accelerate the process of reclosing in a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)-based microgrid system to …

High-speed Reclosing using Energy Function in Power System

The proposed method calculates the reclosing time, taking the case of standard in which the reclosing is not done using the energy function of generator phase angle. And, the …

Optimal Recloser Setting, Considering Reliability and Power …

However, the effects of recloser settings, on system reliability and power quality, have not been studied in the literature. Hence, in this paper, we studied the effects of reclosers and …

Novel adaptive reclosing scheme using wavelet transform in …

This paper proposes a novel adaptive reclosing scheme that uses the neutral current in a distribution system with a battery energy storage system (BESS). …

(PDF) Suppression strategy for the inrush current of a solid-state …

The automatic reclosing strategy is an effective measure to improve the reliability of a distribution network. It can quickly clear instantaneous faults in the grid. The …

Energies | Free Full-Text | Novel Auto-Reclosing …

This paper presents a novel auto-reclosing blocking method for combined overhead-cable lines in power distribution networks that are solidly or impedance grounded, with distribution transformers in a …

Assessment of energy storage effect into automatic reclosing in …

The object of the paper is examination of possibility of using an energy storage unit in this Microgrid in order to improve condition for auto-reclosing. In addition, effectiveness of …

Suppression strategy for the inrush current of a solid-state …

To deal with the instantaneous fault and improve power supply reliability, automatic-reclosing strategies have been widely used. That is, the circuit breaker will trip …

Adaptive Reclosing Technique Using Variational Mode …

This study introduces a novel adaptive technique to accelerate the process of reclosing in a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)-based microgrid system to prov

A Fast Line Reclosing Strategy for Power System Under DG Access

In this paper, a fast reclosing method is proposed for substation lines with inverter-type renewable energy source access, which can ensure the power supply of important loads and make the renewable energy source stable during the reclosing period without

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